Currently Available

From brain storming to real mobile apps.

Expo & React Native cross-platform development agency, We're ready to build your next app idea with full support for Android, iOS and Web.


How can we assist you?. We can build your app from scratch or give you a hand on existing projects

Pitch your idea.
Let's make it real.

If your starting out, we can help you with the ideation, planning, design, development and publishing of your app.









Need an extra hand?
Let us help with it.

Do you already have a project?, let's work together we can provide you support, mantainance and updates.


Bug Fixing


Live Support


Native Modules


Why this is the right choice for your project? These are some of the perks for you.

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Unique UI design

Custom designs made specifically
for a better app experience

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Fast Delivery

Your design is ready in few days
development takes a few weeks for MVP

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Complete Customization

The app is built to fit your
project's needs.

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Easy Project Management

Simple kanban boards,
not overwhelming tools

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Multiple Platforms

Take your app to Android, iOS
and the web with a single codebase

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Fixed monthly rate

Not hourly rates, no surprises.
we work under a fixed monthly rate


We have experience crafting
mobile digital experiences from scratch.


What some of the customers and
previous collaborators think about.

Fernando Carral

COO & Co-Founder at Medizona

"I can confidently affirm that Oliver has been a tremendous asset to our team. His dedication and innovative ideas played a pivotal role in the development of the Medizona app, reflecting his unwavering commitment to excellence."

Fernando Carral

Ana Paula Santana

CEO & Co-Founder at

"Oliver has been a important piece in the development of our mobile app. His knowledge and advice have been invaluable for our team. He is a great professional and a great person to work with. I highly recommend him."

Ana Paula Santana

Caspian Zhao

Full Stack Developer at Dosu AI

"Oliver has been a key collaborator in the development of the react-native-reanimated-carousel project. His passion for programming and prowess in React Native have left a lasting impression on me. Should any new projects or creative ventures arise in the future, he will undoubtedly be my top choice"

Caspian Zhao

Jose Lopez

Software Engineer at Microsoft

"Oliver is a great front-end and mobile developer. He has shown amazing skills for software engineering and cross-platform development. He is a great team player and has a great attitude towards learning and sharing knowledge."

Jose Lopez

Fernando Contreras

Former Software Engineer at

"I worked with Oliver in a consulting firm, I can highlight his commitment to deadlines, which most of the times were very aggressive, as well as his professionalism in following good programming practices, which is key when developing high quality software."

Fernando Contreras

Alfonso Zavala

Software Engineer at F5

"Oliver and I worked together in freelance projects and I have to say that he is one of the best developers I have ever worked with. His knowledge and commitment is amazing, as well as his creativity and professionalism. Definitely a great person to work with."

Alfonso Zavala

Let us know
about the project

Ask any question, tell us more about your
next app idea. We respond as soon as possible.

Man working on a laptop

Or contact

asked questions

Why not just hire a full-time mobile developer?

Can you build apps for iOS and Android?

What's is Expo and React Native?

How React Native benefits my business

Which programs and technologies you use?

How is your work process?

What happens if I don't like the results?

What's the payment method?

Can you build a business website?

Still have questions?

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You can book an intro 15min call for free
Pitch your idea or ask any question.